Your concerns

Dark Circles

The skin of the eye area is very sensitive and fragile, easily revealing the signs of fatigue or age. Eye circles appear first at the corner of the eye and then spread on the contour which makes the eyes sad and tired.

Eye circles can have different origins: fatigue, deficient microcirculation, unhealthy lifestyles, and they are often hereditary.

What are dark circles?

Dark circles are historically thought to be associated with a lack of sleep, but there are other factors that may be responsible. Dark circles may be considered cosmetically unappealing, but they are rarely a medical concern.

‘Periorbital hyperchromia’ – a technical name for dark circles under the eyes – refers to the area around the eye socket and excessive pigmentation, one of the most common reasons for circles under the eyes.

Dark circles under the eyes are common in both men and women, and sometimes in children too. Having dark circles under the eyes may simply be a genetic condition, with people from an Asian or African background sometimes having more pigment around the eyes.

What causes dark circles?

As people age, their skin becomes thinner due to a reduction of fat and collagen, making the blood vessels beneath it more noticeable, which thereby makes the area under the eyes appear darker. In addition, as skin sags from ageing baggy lower eyelids may cast a shadow on the skin below, creating the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Other factors:

Allergies: rubbing and irritating the eyes.

Nasal congestion: swelling of the blood vessels.

Dehydration: Not having enough fluids in the body can shrink skin cells, making dark circles more noticeable. Simply drinking water can bring about a marked reduction in the circles.

Stress & lack of sleep: Chronic stress can make getting a good night’s sleep more difficult, which can make the skin appear more pale and the eyes more sunken.

Exposure to the sun: Sunlight can prompt the production of melanin, darkening the area around the eyes.

Drinking alcohol: The consumption of alcohol allows the small blood vessels in the skin to dilate, or expand.

Pregnancy: Changes in hormone levels due to pregnancy can also dilate the small blood vessels.

Anaemia: An iron deficiency, affects the circulation of the blood.

Smoking cigerettes: which affects the blood and circulation.


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Treatments Available

At True You Skin Clinics we offer a wide range of treatments including:

Dermal Fillers
Tear Trough
ZO Skin Consult

Please call +44(0)1133458682 for further information on how to book a consultation.


Book a consultation

Leeds: 0113 345 8682

Bradford: 01274 622480

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