Your concerns

Hair Loss

At True You Skin Clinics our hair loss programme uses a combination of Extra Hair Restorer by Simildiet Laboratories and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). Extra Hair Restorer induces growth, revitalising the follicles and augmenting the blood flow thus improving the nutrition and flow of oxygen to the hair roots. This product does not contain any hormonal substances and does not interact with hormone receptors and can thus be used by either sex. It increases hair thickness and volume, making the hair stronger and more resistant.

What hair loss conditions can you treat?

In men and women:

To strengthen transplanted hair
To treat male pattern hair loss
To treat age related hair loss
To prevent hair loss
To treat hair loss caused by several factors

What is platelet rich plasma?

Blood contains plasma, red and white blood cells and platelets. Platelets are small cells which contain clotting and growth factors. During the healing process these growth factors stimulate and encourage the healing process, by activating the inflammatory process necessary for healing.

How does it work?

Blood contains 6% platelets, but PRP is specifically made to have significantly more platelets, which with their important growth factors, allow the triggering of a superior healing process. Essentially poorly performing cells are enabled to be replaced in a rapid time frame at the site they are needed, with a high success rate.

The multiple growth factors in platelets promote healing by:

Triggering new capillary growth (new blood vessel formation)
Attracting undifferentiated stem cells into the newly made matrix and activating cell division
Suppression of cytokines and reducing inflammation
Attracting macrophages to aid tissue healing and regeneration

Is it safe and hygienic?

Because PRP comes from the patient in whom it will be used, and is effectively an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory biological material, it is considered extremely safe. It is a fantastic treatment for both hair loss and facial rejuvenation procedures.


PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma):
One treatment: £150 or a course of 3 for £450

Treatments Available

At True You Skin Clinics we offer a wide range of treatments to treat hair loss these include:

IV Vitamin Therapy

Please call +44(0)1133458682 for further information on how to book a free consultation.


Book a consultation

Leeds: 0113 345 8682

Bradford: 01274 622480

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