What are Polyneucleotides  ?

Biostimulatory injectables – also known as skin booster – are injectable treatments aiming to improve the quality of the skin. Revitalising the skin, improving its appearance and texture are all benefits of skin booster treatments giving you a natural glow and radiance. Biostimulators can also be used on areas other than the face, such as the neck, décolleté, hands, scalp or even the whole body.

How do Polyneucleotides works ?

Biochemical properties speaking for themselves 

Special biochemical properties result in an improvement of the skin’s elasticity, fighting the aging process and providing a healthier looking, smoother skin. This happens with the help of polynucleotides, which bind water and thus moisturize your skin. At the same time, they have antioxidative effects. Based on these two actions, the best conditions are given for the growth of fibroblasts, which leads to an improved tissue elasticity. 


What can be treated with Polynecleotides ?

Broad range of applications 

The areas of application are versatile. Conditions to be treated:

  • Loss of skin firmness 
  • Loss of skin tone and elasticity
  • Scars
  • Ageing & photo ageing signs
  • Puffy eyes
  • Darkness under eyes 

Our team are very experiened in treating patient with polyneucleotiudes.

  • Procedure Time – From 15 minutes
  • Back to Work – Immediately but you will have the appearance of small bumps on the skin.
  • Anaesthetic – A topical numbing cream is used for 30 mins prior to your treatment
  • Sensitivity Period – 24 – 48 hours
  • Visible Results – 4 weeks – .
  • Number of Treatments –  a course of three is recommended 2-4 weeks apart
  • Possible Side Effects – bumps to the skin, redness , possible bruising
  • Duration of Results –  we would recommend  to retreat 3-6 months
  • Other area to treat – hands, hair restoration, neck lines  , acne scaring , forehead and creepy skin.

We recommend to use a at home serum Farewell , this will help to hydrate the delicate area under the eye, improving darkness and puffy eyes.

When you purchase a course of three you will receive a FREE eye serum worth £109.00 ( offer ends January 31st )

Book a consultation with one of our Medical team ,  to find  out   how we can treat you with Polyneucleotides.

Consultations require a booking fee of £20 -£30